AUTHOR INTERVIEWS, in order of most recent:
- with Schertz Magazine
- with Patricia W. Fischer on Reader's Entertainment Radio
- with the San Antonio Express News
- with The Reading Faery
- with Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
- with Christine L. Henderson: Let's Write
- with YA Interrobang
- with BookGoodies
- with Operation Awesome
- with SCBWI of Germany & Austria
Articles and Guest Posts by Amy
* I was a regular contributor to DIY MFA over 2015-2016, and I'm proud to have been a part of a website listed by Writer's Digest as #9 on the Top 101 Best Websites for Writers. * Listed in order of most recent posts
- Rip Apart Revisions, guest post at Qamber Designs's Medium page
- Pass or Pages Progress Report, at Operation Awesome
- Love Locks and Wishes, at The Coffee Pot Book Club
- The Magic of Mermaids, at Mary Anne Yard's blog Myths, Legends, Books, and Coffee.
- World building Woes (and Wows) at Cynthia Leitich Smith's Cynsations
- Author Inspiration, at Mary Anne Yard's blog, Myths, Legends, Books and Coffee.
- Five Tips for Writing Book Two, at DIY MFA
- Getting Graphic: A Closer Look at Graphic Novels, at DIY MFA
- Back Away from the Delete Key: Censorship in KidLit, at DIY MFA
- Changing a Story from YA to Upper Middle Grade: Not a Minor Revision, at SCBWI Germany & Germany
- Practicing Perseverance, at Pitch
- Picture Books: Not So Easy, at DIY MFA
- Five on Friday: Five Fabulous Picture Books in Honor of #PiBoIdMo, at DIY MFA
- The Short Answer to Long Series for Kids, at DIY MFA
- Writing for Kids: The Low-Down about Lexiles, at DIY MFA
- The Good News About "Bad" Characters, at DIY MFA
- Five on Friday: Upper Middle Grade Historical Fiction, at DIF MFA
- Five on Friday: Upper Middle Grade Fantasy & Sci Fi, at DIY MFA
- Knowing Your Young Reader, at Cynthia Leitich Smith's Cynsations (This article was included in an amazing list of resources on censorship put together by MS. Leitich-Smith.)
Blog Reviews
There have been many fantastic bloggers who have kindly reviewed my books on their blog. I can't list them all here, but please know that I am grateful to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read and review my book. It is such a wonderful thing you do for readers and authors everywhere! Many of these reviews show up on Google searches for my book titles. I also posted several on my Facebook Author Page, Twitter, and IG.
Radio Interview, June 2015
Our local radio station in Germany, AFN Kaiserslautern, invited me to join their segment, "What Are You Reading?" hosted by Senior Airman Tate Pollock. Master Sergeant Christina Nelson, my friend and the station manager, also joined us in the studio.